100% Wood Fiber
The base of the entire product line, 100% Wood has the maximum coverage on the ground, moisture retention, and holding power than other Hydroseeding mulches. 100% Wood enhances seed germination and vegetation establishment. HH Wood Fiber recycles only clean, virgin wood chips to produce the highest quality fiber in the Erosion Control Industry. We do not contaminate our fiber with construction or pallet waste.
Our new equipment and modern manufacturing technology pre-steams the chips in a pressurized vessel breaking down the lignan of the wood, separating the maximum number of fibers possible. Refining in a pressurized system yields more fibers per pound, while maintaining the integrity of the fiber – Strength & Length

100% Wood Fiber with Tackifier
We add the strongest tackifier in the Industry to HH Wood Fiber 100% Wood for increased viscosity and functional longevity. Wood with Tackifier sprays smooth and lays down great every time. Each bale is calibrated with specialized equipment to add the precise amount of tackifier to every bale, so you don’t have to. 100% Wood with Tack assures consistency in every tankload sprayed and safety on deck preventing inevitable tack spills when adding seperately.

Bonded Fiber Matrix (BFM)
HH Wood Fiber Bonded Fiber Matrix is an engineered spray on erosion control product that forms durable and porous mat that effectively controls erosion by stabilizing soil and preventing sediment displacement. BFM adheres to steep slopes and irregular terrain covering every contour of the soil to protect the seed, while absorbing the kinetic energy of rain drops. Our crosslinked formulation will not allow the bonding agents to resolubilize and dissipate from rain events. BFM has a very low C-Factor and functional longevity of 6-12months. This easy to spray erosion control blanket contains no plastic or synthetic fibers and goes into suspension quickly.
HH Wood Fiber Bonded Fiber Matix packs the most holding power for your dollar and can be utilized on 90% of erosion control projects. The Moisture retention and perfect growing environment for germinating and establishing full vegetation makes BFM a top choice of Engineers & Contractors. It is all about growing Sustainable vegetation, which is the ultimate Erosion Control.

HH Wood Fiber FLEX
HH Wood Fiber FLEX is the highest performing spray on Hydraulic Erosion Control Product (HECP) in the HH Wood Fiber Lineup. HH Wood Fiber FLEX has a dual control system that forms and ionic bond to the soil and a mechanical bond with the matrix of the Fibers. HH Wood Fiber Flex’s functional longevity is in the long-term category with a high-performance Cover Factor certified by rain simulation testing. The Moisture retention and lofty matrix provide a perfect growing environment. HH Wood Fiber Flex is the ultimate hydraulic erosion control product for erosion control effectiveness and functional longevity that protects until the vegetation is fully established. It is all about growing sustainable vegetation, which is the ultimate Erosion Control.

Double Black Diamond Soil Stabilizer Pellet
Double Black Diamond is a high performance erosion control mulch pellet formulated from recycled wood
and cellulose fibers dosed with tackifiers and a biostimulant that improves soil structure and enhances
plant nutrition. Our soil stabilizers achieve the highest performance categories in the hydraulic erosion
control industry at lower application rates. The pellets are designed to be applied Dry or Wet, loading into
spreader or hydroseeding equipment in seconds at high mixing ratios for maximum productivity.

Black Diamond Soil Stabilizer
Black Diamond is a BFM performance erosion control mulch pellet formulated from recycled wood and cellulose fibers dosed with tackifiers and a biostimulant that improves soil structure and enhances plant nutrition.
Our soil stabilizers achieve the highest performance categories in the hydraulic erosion control industry at lower application rates. The pellets are designed to be applied Dry or Wet, loading into spreader or
hydroseeding equipment in seconds at high mixing ratios for maximum productivity.

Seed Starter Pellet Mulch
Seed Starter is a pellet mulch formulated from recycled wood and cellulose fibers dosed with a biostimulant that is specifically designed to improve soil structure and enhance plant nutrition.

Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.